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A grand and noble woman, Madame Maudest Walls Stewart, of Houston, Texas in 1975 had a long time dream of a legacy for tremendous opportunities for our women to make outstanding contributions to the welfare of one another, our youth, and our country. Based on this premise, Madame Stewart shared her dream and invited a group of women to her home who had achieved in various fields for the formation of this organization. The women who assembled at the request of her invitation were Mesdames Josie B. Taylor, Ozell Taylor Johnson, Eddie M. Johnson, Stella Collins, Lorene B. Lancelin, Judge Alice A. Bonner, and Dr. Hortense W. Dixon. The history of National Women of Achievement, Inc., documents these seven women as charter members of this organization. Achievers Maudest Walls Stewart, Josie B. Taylor, Dr. Hortense W. Dixon, Lorene B. Lancelin, Stella Collins, and Eddie M. Johnson are now deceased.


On February 7, 1975, according to the minutes of the first meeting, these women and the Founder began a movement for thinking, planning, and growing. The first subject for consideration was to establish the purpose for which these women had banded themselves – to encourage youth and women to strive for excellence, maintain high moral and ethical standards, and make outstanding contributions in the fields of medicine, law, religion, business, politics, music, education, dentistry and other career fields of their choice. From that day, February 7, 1975, the birthday of the National Women Of Achievement, Achievers thought together, planned together, and reached decisions together that they might render the highest service to one another, our youth, and our country.


National Women Of Achievement encourages youth through our scholarship program and recognize outstanding community leaders through our annual “Profiles of Prominence.”


Achiever Maudest Walls Stewart, the Founder, was the first National President, nurturing and rejoicing in fulfilling her dream. She was a dedicated supporter and worker in the program of the organization.


Chapters have been organized throughout the United States. The Home Office of National Women Of Achievement is in Houston, TX. The Articles of Incorporation were signed April 9, 1975, and filed April 10, 1975, in the Office of the Secretary of the State of Texas, County of Harris. The period of duration is perpetual.


The Organization’s Motto is “Excellence and Promotion of Achievement: The Key to Success.”

Our Vision: The vision of National Women of Achievement, Incorporated is to expand organizational and programmatic boundaries of the National Women of Achievement, Incorporated as an effective service organization by utilizing the individual and collective strengths of all Achievers and by partnering with business, educational, religious, governmental and service communities outside the realms of National Women of Achievement, Incorporated to affect change.

Achiever Evett Turner


P. O. Box 14909, Houston, TX 77221


2601 Prospect St., Ste. B, Houston, TX 77004


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(346) 406-4981

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